Columbine Spiritual Center’s COVID-19 Safety Plan
We will stay true to Columbine Spiritual Center’s Mission and Vision, moving forward in faith.
The safety and well-being of our Columbine community will not be compromised.
Our decisions will be guided by Spirit, based in science and best practices and according to State and County guidelines at a minimum.
Columbine Spiritual Center leadership continues to discuss plans for Sunday services, virtual meetings and public activities or gatherings. These discussions are done with an abundance of caution and concern for our entire community, especially for those who are most vulnerable. Consideration of the best scientific knowledge at our disposal will be utilized. We anticipate awkward moments as we adjust to new protocols and practices, including times of frustration, disappointment and grief. During this time, we have had countless opportunities to exercise patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control as we embrace the Spiritual Gifts of love, joy, peace, generosity and faithfulness. As we receive the gifts and work through the challenges of this time, let us remember that nothing can separate us, as Spirit is everywhere.
Being outdoors is 20 times safer than indoors; therefore, we will continue to hold outdoor and virtual services until the health risk is minimized.
The Guidelines may be updated at the discretion of the Columbine Spiritual Center leadership based on changing conditions in our area. We will continue to maintain communication with local/state authorities and attend conference calls with Governor Polis and with other faith leaders in Colorado.
Revs. Scott and Sue continue to provide pastoral care by phone or virtually.
Boulder County:
Broomfield County: