Youth & Family
Youth Programming Every Sunday!
Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) - Grades 9-12
Uniteens - Grades 6-8
Children - Infants through 5th Grade
Our Sunday morning program starts at 10am, and ends at 11am. Nursery care for infants and toddlers is provided every Sunday.
If you are interested in getting involved with our Unity Youth programming, please contact our Director of YFM, Jeanne Oliver:
We Honor and Love Our Youth and Families!
Our Youth and Family ministry here at Columbine is an essential part of our community.
We believe that honoring and celebrating each child for who they are, as a beautiful expression of Spirit, will help them grow and flourish into their full potential.
We have created our new hands on, experiential, self-expressive Sunday morning programs that let each child find their individual expression as they learn and explore who and what God/Spirit/Source is to them. We encourage curiosity and inquiry from the children and youth and will have meditation and connecting discussions each week as we teach the core Unity Principles.